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Follow these recommended steps below for ensuring timely completion of required documentation.

Step 1 (Two months prior to clinical start date)


Visit your Health Care Provider


You are required to provide lab reports for Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR), Varicella and Hep B. If these lab reports determine that you do not have the necessary levels of immunity, your Healthcare Provider will give you a booster shot or may start a schedule of immunizations. This process will take time, so it is imperative that you schedule your initial visit with your Healthcare Provider as soon as possible.

A record of the following immunizations must be provided:
• Hepatitis B (3 doses if not immune)
• MMR (booster dose if not immune)
• Varicella (booster dose if not immune)
• Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (within 10 years)
• Flu shot
• 2 doses COVID vaccine

You are required to provide proof of Two Step TB Skin Test. If your TB Skin Test is positive make sure that you include your chest x-ray report and a note stating that you are "free of signs and symptoms of active tuberculosis” dated and signed by your Healthcare Provider. If your Two Step TB Skin Test is negative, you are required to
show a recent One Step TB Skin Test.

How To: Make an appointment with your family doctor, walk-in clinic, Conestoga Medical Clinic (Dune campus) or Apex. Bring your medical form for the Healthcare Provider to complete.
Frequency: Prior to clinical placement.​​


Step 2 (Once your Medical Form and/or Immunizations, serology reports are completed)


Book Clearance Review Conestoga PSW 11651 appointment with Concise Health Solutions

How To: Book your Clearance Review appointment with Concise Health Solutions.
Frequency: Prior to your clinical placement if any documents have been renewed. Deadline is March 15 - April 2, 2025

Book Your Clearance 
Review Today

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